Email marketing: consent is a good thing 03 feb 22

Explicit consent is what makes your email list the most valuable users among your online audience, and it is essential to building one at all.

What explicit consent is

When your customer subscribes to a mailing list, consider asking them to confirm with a double opt-in: a more thorough process where a new email address is added to your email list after the would-be subscriber confirms their interest.

Well, "how" you say? Usually the would-be subscriber approves by replying to an opt-in confirmation email. After numerous projects, trust us: double opt-ins have higher click rates, and lead to healthier, more hygenic mailing lists.

Value is simply what something is perceived to be worth in terms of money, quality, familiarity, endearment and/or other measures. For customers, it is a measurement of risk taken on a firm’s offering, the benefits of the offering and the perceived cost.

When it comes to the individual email making up a campaign, the value of your message is the perceived benefit of its content to the recipient, minus the time or effort sacrificed by opening and reading its content.

Value = perceived benefits of email - time sacrificed reading it

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