14 flexible subject lines to bump up your open rate

A recipient’s attention, and therefore the probability of them opening the message, depends entirely on whether the subject line is relevant enough to grab their attention.

03 mar
1 min

Our advice: test, test, test

A lot of brands don’t bother testing. We get it, it’s time consuming and kind of a pain in the a. If you don't do it though, you risk looking like you don't give a shit.

24 feb
2 min

3 email segmentation ideas

You're sending emails en masse, yes, but if you hope to connect with your prospects and build something meaningful, you must tailor your message.

17 feb
3 min

Everyone speaks about "value"

A big question: what defines high quality content?

10 feb
2 min

Email marketing: consent is a good thing

Consent and value are the two things that separate proper email marketing from spam.

03 feb
2 min

Lead magnets: 11 ideas to grow your email list

A good lead magnet is based on a simple exchange: an email address for something of value. Steal our favorite 11 lead magnet ideas!

27 gen
1 min

Is email personalization effective?

Consider being the recipient: no one wants a mass email from a faceless robot. Use the appropriate voice and personalize if applicable.

20 gen
2 min

Ce l’hai il modello “Know, Like, Trust”?

Le scelte dei consumatori sono positivamente orientate verso quelle aziende che rispondono al modello “Know, Like, Trust”. Come si traduce questo dato nella comunicazione di un brand? Dal momento dell'innamoramento al click sul tasto “Acquista” non è un attimo, ma è una strada percorribile!

17 giu
3 min

Dai voce al tuo brand col modello "Know, Feel, Do"

I protagonisti di questa storia siete tu e la tua brand identity. Hai scoperto ed esplorato l’archetipo del tuo marchio, e ora vuoi sfruttarlo per far innamorare i cuori dei tuoi follower. L’impresa è ardua, ma i nostri eroi hanno un alleato invincibile: lo storytelling!

04 giu
3 min